Çerez Örnek

Turkish and Social Sciences Education Department



The aim of the Turkish Education Program is to train Turkish teachers that will take charge in secondary stage of the primary school. We are expecting our students to be fully equipped with knowledge and abilities a teacher can have. For this purpose, we are training students that can: think and set thinking about language in general; be aware of the fact that language is a science besides its cultural and social aspects; research about the history and richness of their own language; use Turkish in an appropriate manner; be enthusiastic to learn about modern Turkish literature as well as the ancient; interiorize and transfer Turkish language’s rules in the future to their own students. We are also expecting our students to have a contemporary instructor profile that adopts ethical values.


Undergraduate Program in Turkish Education

The undergraduate program in Turkish Education consists the teaching of general field knowledge, pedagogical formation and general cultural knowledge. Besides the courses, students are given computer, basic foreign language (English) and drama trainings. Students adapt to the university through Transition to University Life Course in the first semester and realize social responsibility projects through Community Service Applications Course in the fifth semester. The duration of the program is 4 years. Educational language is Turkish.


Recruitment of Graduates

Graduates gain the title of “Turkish teacher” and can work with this in official and private schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. They also have the opportunity to become academicians by attending post-graduate education. Besides they can work as Turkish teachers in foreign educational and cultural institutions, in world Turkish centers, and in private and official organizations related to Turkic republics. They may work as language experts in institutes, research centers, libraries and museums; and also as editors and redactors in press-publishing organizations. 


Quotas and Scores

Turkish Education Undergraduate Program has begun its academic year in 2010-2011 and has a 60 (±2) person quota. Every year students are taken according to the score of Turkish-Social 2 (TS-2) from the Undergraduate Placement Exam (LYS) made by ÖSYM. Only formal teaching is practiced in the program. In order to graduate, the student has to complete all courses by providing attendance, take minimum 240 ECTS credits and has an average GPA of at least 2.00/4.00.


Post-Graduate Program

Post-graduate training is not yet offered in our department. However, our graduates are eligible to apply to undergraduate programs at national level and/or international level both in the same and in related disciplines.


Our department had an agreement under the ERASMUS Student Exchange Program between 2014-2016. For the students (from Turkey or elsewhere) who want to transfer to our program, the regulation article about "Principles of Transition, Major, Minor and Institutional Credit Transfers Between Programs at Associate and Undergraduate Levels in Higher Education Institutions" and the criteria determined by the university senate are applied.


Our department owns a Reading Room made by donations, including classics of Turkish and world literature as well as textbooks.





I. Semester

II. Semester

  • Writing Techniques
  • Turkish Grammar I: Phonology
  • Literary Theories I
  • Written Expression I
  • Oral Expression I
  • Ottoman Turkish I
  • Principles of Atatürk and the
    History of the Turkish Revolution I
  • Foreign Language I
  • Introduction to Educational Sciences
  • Introduction to University Life
  • Turkish Grammar II: Morphology
  • Literary Theories II
  • Written Expression II
  • Oral Expression II
  • Ottoman Turkish II
  • Principles of Atatürk and the
    History of the Turkish Revolution II
  • Foreign Language II
  • Introduction to Educational Psychology

III. Semester

IV. Semester

  • Turkish Grammar: Lexicology
  • Turkish Folk Literature I
  • Classical Turkish Literature I
  • Modern Turkish Literature I
  • Scientific Research Methods
  • Computer Use I
  • Teaching Principles and Methods
  • Body Language and Diction
  • Turkish Grammar: Syntax
  • Turkish Folk Literature II
  • Classical Turkish Literature II
  • Modern Turkish Literature II
  • General Linguistics
  • Computer Use II
  • Effective Communications
  • Instructional Technology and Material

V. Semester

VI. Semester

  • Techniques of Comprehension I:
    Reading Education
  • Techniques of Comprehension II:
    Listening Education
  • Children Literature
  • World Literature
  • Community Service Activities
  • Special Teaching Methods I
  • Classroom Management
  • Techniques of Narration I:
    Speaking Education
  • Techniques of Narration II:
    Writing Education
  • Teaching Turkish to Foreigners
  • Special Teaching Methods II
  • History of Turkish Education
  • History of Civilization
  • Assessment and Evaluation

VII. Semester

VIII. Semester

  • Theatre and Drama Practices
  • Turkish Coursebook Analysis
  • School Experience
  • Guidance
  • Special Education
  • Elective Courses
    • Narratology


  • Language and Culture
  • Turkish Education System and
    School Management
  • Teaching Practices
  • Elective Courses
    • Semantics
    • Modern Approaches in Turkish Education
    • Scientific and Literary Translation Techniques
    • Short Stories in Modern Literature
    • Creative Writing



Teaching Programs

To access teaching plans of the undergraduate program of Turkish Education, click here.

To access course contents of the undergraduate program of Turkish Education, click here.




I. Semester

II. Semester

  • Introduction to Education
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Principles of Atatürk and
    Recent Turkish History 1
  • Foreign Language 1
  • Turkish Language 1
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Literary Theories 1
  • Ottoman Turkish 1
  • Turkish Grammar 1
  • Educational Psychology
  • Sociology of Education
  • Principles of Atatürk and
    Recent Turkish History 2
  • Foreign Language 2
  • Turkish Language 2
  • Literary Theories 2
  • Ottoman Turkish 2
  • Turkish Grammar 2
  • Basic Concepts of Language Education


Ege Üniversitesi