Çerez Örnek
General Description
Preschool Education Program is one of the first programs of Faculty of Education established in 1998. Faculty of Education has four different undergraduate programs and Preschool Education Program is one of these four undergraduate programs.
Qualification Awarded
The Bachelor's Degree in Preschool Education ( first cycle in Preschool Education) is awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum
Level of Qualification
First Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements

The general requirements explained in “General Admission Requirements” of Information on the Institution part are applied for admission of students. The general requirements explained in “General Admission Requirements” of Information on the Institution part are applied for admission of students. The students who would like to study in Faculty of Education of Ege University in the context of Erasmus and Mevlana mobility programmes should carefully read the following instruction before they choose the courses in course structure diagrams of the programmes. In order to promote enhanced understanding of contents, increased engagement in activities and for the purpose of efficient time use and within courses, we prepared a series of courses in English for Erasmus+ and Mevlana students. You will see course list as tabled below with codes and program titles in which they take place. You will benefit up to 45 ECTS therefore it would be an opportunity for you to select among various alternatives included in our different teacher training, counseling and guidance programs. 

Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)

The rules and regulations for recognition of formal prior learning are well defined. Transfer can be made among the institutions of which equivalency is recognized by Higher Education Council. Also successful vocational school graduates to continue their educaiton to obtain Bachelor’s degrees if they are successful in the selection and the placement examination (DGS, i.e. vertical transfer examination) are admitted. The courses to be taken by these students are determined by the relevant department, on the basis of courses they have completed in the programs from which they have graduated. Recognition of prior non-formal and in-formal learning is at the beginning stage in Turkish Higher Education Institutions. Ege University and hence of the Department is not an exception to this. However, exams of exemption are organised at the start of each year at the University for the courses of English Language and Computer Skills. The students who have completed the proficiencies for these courses on his/her own or through other means, and believe that they have achieved the learning outcomes specified are given the right to take the exemption exam. The students who achieve a passing grade from these exams are held exempt from the related course in the curriculum.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Students must obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass all courses on the programme (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS).






Department Chair

Prof. Dr. Pınar ÇAVAŞ


+90 232 311 3158


Assoc. Prof. Nilay DEREOBALI


+90 232 311 5469


Assoc. Dr. Kemal ALTIPARMAK


+90 232 311 5468




+90 232 311 1628


Ege Üniversitesi