Çerez Örnek




Assoc. Prof. Esra KANLI DENİZCİ



+90 232 311 3148

Assoc. Prof. Avşar ARDIÇ



+90 232 311 4161

Asst. Prof. Betül YILMAZ ATMAN



+90 232 311 9276





+90 232 311 2229

Department of Special Education


The aim of the Special Education Department is to train qualified special education teachers who have the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of special education, individualize the education  programs and practices on the basis of the needs of children with disabilities, provide the necessary educational support to individuals  with disabilities and their families, adhere to universal ethical principles, have the skills of  investigating, questioning, critical thinking, problem solving.

Special Education Teacher Training Undergraduate Program

Special Education Teacher Education Program, consists of three main dimensions; teaching profession, content knowledge and general culture. It is aimed to gain basic professional knowledge in teaching profession dimension. And in content knowledge dimension there are such courses as special education in early childhood, applied behavior analysis, skills and concept teaching. In addition, courses related to combining other teaching areas with special education practices are also included in the curriculum. In order to integrate theory and practice for teacher candidates, there are also courses for school experience and teaching practicum in grades 3 and 4. Special education teacher candidates' specialization in the sub-fields of special education is provided through elective courses.

Students who successfully complete all the courses in the undergraduate program and have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 are eligible to receive a Bachelor's Degree.

Employment of Graduates

Graduates of Special Education Teacher Training Undergraduate Program can work as a special education teacher in public and private education institutions, rehabilitation centers, guidance and research centers.

Graduate Programs

The department does not yet have a graduate program.

Quota and Points

The quota of the Special Education Teacher Program is approximately 60 students. Students are admitted to the undergraduate program by YGS-4 score type. According to the results of LYS in 2018, Ege University Faculty of Education Private Education Teaching Undergraduate Program has a base score of 397.47747.


Ege Üniversitesi