Çerez Örnek

Division of Guidance and Counseling

1. Name of the Department

Division of Guidance and Counseling

2. Purpose of the Department

The purpose of Guidance and Counseling Division is to train qualified counselors, researchers, and counselor educators through undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs.

3. Department Administration

Chair of Division: Prof. Dr. Dilek Yelda KAĞNICI

4. Contact (Telephone and Address)

+90 (232) 311 5264

Ege University Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Counseling Division Floor: 1, Bornova, İZMİR


5. Programs

Guidance and Counseling Undergraduate Program

Guidance and Counseling Master’s Program (with thesis)

Guidance and Counseling Master’s Program (without thesis)

Guidance and Counseling Doctoral Program

6. Purpose of the Programs

The purpose of Guidance and Counseling Undergraduate Program is to train contemporary counselors who; a) present effective counseling and guidance services in order to enhance individuals’ educational, career and personal-social development in various institutions; b) have professional ethics, principals, rules, and law; c) are sensitive to cultural differences; and d) follow scientific improvements in counseling.

The purpose of Guidance and Counseling Master’s Program (with thesis) is to train counselor specialists, who have researcher qualifications and present effective counseling services in various institutions.

The purpose of Guidance and Counseling Master’s Program (without thesis) is to train counselors or psychologists who work in various public and private institutions and to have counseling’ and ‘psychology’ undergraduates who aim to work in various institutions develop the current counseling and guidance practicum knowledge and skills.

The purpose of Guidance and Counseling Doctoral Program is to train researchers, practitioner counselors and counselor educators who will work in clinical and academic settings.

7. Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Undergraduates mostly work in elementary schools, high schools and universities, besides health and industry settings as counselors.

Most of the graduates who have Master’s and PhD degree in Guidance and Counseling work as academicians in public and private universities. Besides, they work as professional counselors in justice, military, and social work institutions/settings and education, industry, and health organizations belong to public sector.


Ege Üniversitesi