Çerez Örnek

Elementary Education

Primary Education

The aim of Primary Education Program is to raise qualified class teachers that primary schools need. In addition to general culture, teaching profession knowledge and field knowledge courses, an applied education is provided which enables students to interact with each other in an environment supported by science and computer laboratories. One of the main objectives of the program is to educate teacher candidates to be able to provide education sensitive to socio-economic and cultural differences.

The duration of education is four years in Primary Education Program and the language of education is Turkish. The undergraduate program consists of 240 ECTS credit.

Students must obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass all courses on the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS).







Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar ÇAVAŞ


+90 232 311 31 58

Co Chair  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal ALTIPARMAK kemal.altıparmak@ege.edu.tr +90 232 311 54 68


The graduates of this program employe as a "Primary Teacher" in the state and private primary schools. The graduates holding Bachelor’s Degree are also eligible to apply to Master’s Degree programmes at national level and /or international level both in the same and in related disciplines.

Undergraduate program catalog


Graduate program catalog



Ege Üniversitesi