Çerez Örnek

Prof. Dr. Osman Ferda BEYTEKİN


Prof. Dr. Hakan TÜRKMEN

Chair of Mathematics and Science Education Department

Prof. Dr. Tahsin Oğuz BAŞOKÇU

Chair of Educational Sciences Department

Prof. Dr. Tarık KIŞLA

Chair of Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department

Prof. Dr. Merih BENDER

Chair of Fine Arts Education in the Painting Education Department

Prof. Dr. Sibel SÖNMEZ

Chair of Elementary Education Department

Assoc. Prof. Esra KANLI DENİZCİ

Chair of Special Education Department

Assoc. Prof. İskender DAŞDEMİR

Chair of Turkish and Social Sciences Education  Department

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Murat İNCEOĞLU

Representative of Professor

Prof. Dr. Tahsin Oğuz BAŞOKÇU

Representative of Professor

Prof. Dr. Yılmaz TONBUL

Representative of Professor

Assoc. Prof. Aylin MENTİŞ

Representative of Assoc. Prof.

Assoc. Prof. Nedim ÖZDEMİR

Representative of Assoc. Prof.

Asst. Prof. Hülya GÖLGESİZ

Representative of Asst. Prof.

Faculty Secretary Metin NOKAY



Ege Üniversitesi