Çerez Örnek
canlı destek

Erasmus+ programı, Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices kapsamında, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania koordinatörlüğünde, (partnerler: Romanya, Portekiz, Latvia ve Türkiye) “Teaching learning spaces competence from early childhood education (TELESPA PROJECT)” başlıklı proje Ege Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Okul Öncesi Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyeleri Doç. Dr. Zeynep Alat ve Doç. Dr. Şakire Ocak Karabay’ında yer aldığı ekiple çalışmalarına başlamıştır.






Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action: Strategic Partnerships

Field: Strategic Partnerships for school education




Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania:  

                                                        Coordinator:       Assoc. Prof. PhD. Gianina-Ana MASSARI

                                                        Deputy Coordinator:   Senior Lect. PhD. Florentina-Manuela MIRON



P2: Școala Primară EuroEd, Iasi (Romania) 

                                                        Partner Coordinator:  Andreea IONEL


P3: Grădinița cu program prelungit nr. 26, Iași (Romania)                        

                                                        Partner Coordinator:  Elena LUNGU                                                


P4: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Braganca (Portugal)

                                                        Partner Coordinator:  Assoc. Prof. PhD. Cristina MESQUITA


P5: Latvijas Universitate, Riga (Latvia)

                                                        Partner Coordinator:  Assoc. Prof. PhD. Tija ZIRINA


P6: Rigas 275. PII "Austrina", Riga (Latvia)

                                                        Partner Coordinator:  Agrita TAURINA


P7: Ege University, Izmir (Turkey)

                                                       Partner Coordinators:  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep ALAT

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şakire Ocak Karabay


P8: Anafartalar lkokulu, Izmir (Turkey)

                                                      Partner Coordinator:  Merve ÖZTEMIR  


Project Identification

Project Title:                        Teaching learning spaces competence from early childhood education


Project Coordinator:        Assoc. Prof. PhD. Gianina-Ana MASSARI


Project Acronym:                    TELESPA


Project Start Date:                   01-09-2018


Project End date:                      28-02-2021


Total amount:                            254193 EUR


EU grant:                                      246189 EUR


Ref. no.:     2018-1-RO01-KA201-049545


Projenin amacı

The main goal of TELESPA project turns from the needs of increasing the quality & the relevance of teacher training for the early childhood & primary school education via developing, testing & implementing innovative educational practices related to learning spaces pedagogical approaches to educate children aged 0-10/11. Learning spaces, focused on sensorial senses, is a way of learning through doing, the process when young learners obtain knowledge & skills via personal experience, like being creative, flexible, able to analyse, think critically etc.


The main idea of the project is focused on at least two anchors of the teacher profile: improving the achievement of relevant and high-level basic and transversal competences from a lifelong learning perspective and improving quality of early and primary school education.



Proje Toplantıları

Kasım 2018 Romanya Toplantısı






Ege Üniversitesi